This week Natalie Walton, a Sydney based journalist and writer, has featured me on her blog Daily Imprint. It's a very inspiring design blog with a column dedicated to books she has read and reviewed. Well worth checking out. Thanks Natalie.
I am very much enjoying making connection within the 'art/craft/design blog' community. Emails are flying back and forth and I'm discovering so many wonderful and supportive people and SOOO MUCH fantastic work. It becomes a little overwhelming at times and I think I may be spending more time on the computer than in the studio.
Ahhh me, the constant battle to find balance in all things!
Just to prove I have been there, here are some studio snaps.
I am very much enjoying making connection within the 'art/craft/design blog' community. Emails are flying back and forth and I'm discovering so many wonderful and supportive people and SOOO MUCH fantastic work. It becomes a little overwhelming at times and I think I may be spending more time on the computer than in the studio.
Ahhh me, the constant battle to find balance in all things!
Just to prove I have been there, here are some studio snaps.

I know, I know - it's so tidy. I can't help it. Sorting, shuffling, wiping and arranging is somehow tied up in my creative process.
Well that or I am Queen of Procrastination.
Well that or I am Queen of Procrastination.
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